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What is Angelic Reiki?

''Angelic Reiki is the absolute joy of working hand in hand with the Angelic Kingdom of Light to bring one of the highest forms of healing to individuals, groups and the planet."

Angelic Reiki is a safe, natural, high frequency, multidimensional system of Angelic Healing and consciousness expansion that allows connection through the Angelic Kingdom of Light to your Soul in order to bring through powerful healing.


Through the angelic guidance and in accordance with Divine Will, we can positively influence the creative energy systems of any individual. This could be on a physical, emotional psychological or spiritual level.


To find out the history of Angelic Reiki and how it was channelled click here

What to Expect
In a one-to-one healing session, the client will be laying with the practitioner's hands on their chest/ solar plexus or sitting with the practitioner's hands on their shoulders and the practitioner will channel Angelic healing energy.
The client remains fully clothed throughout. The Client will have a profoundly relaxing experience.  The whole session lasts about 1 hour. The healing energy is channelled from the Angelic Realms via Healing Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers.
The session can also include multi-dimensional healing across generations and lifetimes. Distance healing is equally powerful as energy is not bound by time or space and healing can be sent anywhere in the world through the electromagnetic field.
Angelic Reiki promotes powerful and personal transformation and healing on the physical, mental and spiritual levels, raising your consciousness towards Ascension/ Awakening.



Angelic Reiki is not offered as a cure or as a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment. If you have a health problem, health question or medical emergency you are advised to consult your doctor.


Angelic Reiki session is £45 for 60 minutes


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